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OCR: L. Ron Hubbard: Battlefield Earth and an intelligent young man that he is he learns how to overcome Psychlos. Therefore Ron Hubbard is an interesting case, he overcomes them, blows their homeplanet to hell with 10 planet First he wrote Sci-fi, then founded a busters and overtakes Psychlo mining religion and then returned to Sci-fi. corporation, thus changing the face of He also died some time ago. His books interplanetary, intergalactic and inter are well written, usually bestsellers universal politics for times to come. and THICK. A 1000-page paperback is The book is quite an adventure. Like something that must be seen before it some pro-critic said, it is like a can be believed. In addition to BE he mixture of Rocky I, II, III, IV, Star at least started to write a ten part Wars -movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark Sci-fi epic called Alien Affairs, and some other whopping action pics. I where Earth is sold and everybody liked the book so much, that I bought becomes a slave, That happens in the two volumes and have read them twice. first part, that is. Every volume of Language is fluid, vocabulary suffici- saga contains over 1000 pages, 50 ently simple and plot incredibly high- there is quite a bit reading there. Battlefield Earth is located about flying. An A 1 choice of good literat- ure. Also, offer valid in USA only, a thousand years into the future. It there is a soundtrack available, tells about Johnny Goodboy Tyler, who composed by the author, starts as a member of dwindling human Plot :**** race, Earth was conquered by Psychlos, Interest :*****: PAGE a race that governs all the galaxies in Vocabulary :**** 05 all sixteen universes, Johnny is caught Overall : **** (GROWL > by the security boss of the Earth branch of Psychlo mining corporation,